This beautifully-written inspirational novel delves deep into the repercussions of revenge – how one callous act can change the lives of so many. How even through the pain of bitter truth and hardship, moral dilemma, law and ethics; the hearts of those damaged can overcome the difficulties and endure.
Eleanora cannot believe it – James is nothing what she’d expected to see after six years. He is poor, perhaps homeless. What went wrong?

Determined to help him – see where life diverted from its course, she finds herself following him, and at the same time, remembering the past as she connects each dot… But there is something, she feels, haunting her deep down. Something, she knows, she had done.
She is about to confront him for the first time when she hears him cry out in the stillness of the night. Before she knows it, she has become an eyewitness to an assault. James is battered unconscious on the ground. What could it mean?
Now, more than ever, she must help. Whatever James involved in, the need to make amends is more profound. Because James wouldn’t be in this dire situation in the first place if it weren’t for her.
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Product Details
Author: Dorothea Neamonitos
Kindle Price: Paperback $14.79
File Size: 3553 KB
Print Length: 415 pages
Publication Date: March 28, 2018
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #696,081 Paid in Kindle Store