The “must have” book of the year!
One day it will all make sense to you…until then…grab the book to feed the good monster inside you.
As you turn the pages of Victoria Ray’s debut book, you’ll realize, once again, that the mix of humor, erotica and sci-fi is always the best medicine and that absurd things happen all the time, such as:
-A father of nine, who, on Valentine’s Day, is forced to have sex with every woman he meets
-A crazy producer with 50 phobias, one of which is his last name
-An author of an unfinished book, spending his days in fear of Mr. Best Seller, pancakes, his wife’s breasts and running
-A trip to a place called Escape, where a divorced woman, Mrs. BouncyTits, is surrounded only by hot men – until her last breath The heaven of all absurd and bizarre is awaiting you on the pages of this book! When we see something strange, we immediately start thinking! Anything weird or odd activates our brains! These 42 strange stories are mind opening and will not only make you smile, but will also make you think.
Are you ready to engulf yourself in some odd, silly and dirty tales that will make you smile?
Remember, these are adult stories, so share only with your mature friends!
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Product Details
Author: Victoria Ray
File Size: 3014 KB
Print Length: 190 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 9151903644
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: (January 19, 2019)
Publication Date: January 19, 2019
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #181,868 Paid in Kindle Store